Mobile-friendly or Mobile-pocalypse Casualty | A Survival Checklist

On April 21, 2015, Google introduced its mobile-first index. This change in algorithm meant that websites would now be ranked based on their mobile versions before desktop in an effort to represent their search majority--mobile users.
So what does that mean for you? “Mobilegeddon” or “Mobile-pocalypse” as many have called it means your website’s mobile optimization is now a huge determining factor when it comes to showing up in search results.
In fact, just like the name, Google now crawls the mobile version of a site before even stepping foot on the desktop version. For those of you who have already embraced mobile-friendliness, there is no cause for alarm. But, if your site is the same on desktop and mobile, it’s time to get to work before you experience even more of a drop in views and search engine results.
Step 1
The first step of figuring out what you need to work on is finding out where you are. And finding out is easy! Google has created an awesome and free mobile-friendly testing tool that can analyze your website’s responsive status within seconds.
Step 2
Not happy with your results? You need a responsive design ASAP. A responsive design makes sure your site looks good on every device--mobile or not.
If you’re uncomfortable building a responsive design don’t be afraid to bring in an expert. Having a well-designed mobile-friendly site is totally worth it. We promise!
Step 3
When you and your marketing team are ready to begin reaching your visitors with mobile devices, do your best to avoid this responsive faux pas:
- Blocking JavaScript, image files, or CSS. Make sure your robots.txt give Googlebot full access.
- Using video content that doesn’t work on mobile devices. We’re looking at you Flash!
- Redirecting website visitors to any page by default.
- Presenting visitors to your site with a 404 message on page desktop users can see.
- Linking mobile pages to desktop pages and vice versa.
The mobile-pocalypse doesn't have to be the end for you. Our team of web professionals have your back and are standing by to answer all of your mobile-friendly questions.
You Are Your Only Hope (But We Can Help)
Coming up with another website design may sound like a headache but having a site that attracts more leads and ranks better in search engines sure doesn't!
The mobile-pocalypse doesn't have to be the end for you. Our team of web professionals have your back and are standing by to answer all of your mobile-friendly questions. Want to talk about cell phones? Contact us today or check out some of the awesome, mobile responsive sites we've built.